List of Puzzle Leaderboards

by Attempt Counts

Daily Leaders

Weekly Leaders

Monthly Leaders

All Time Points Leaderboard

Puzzle ID

with link to play the puzzle

Number of
Successful Attempts
Chosen Subwords Puzzle Complexity Link to Leaderboard
670 1 OPPONENT, ACT, MELT, PLEA, AM, APPLE 43.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
20010 1 SEIS, LI, SE, DESEE, LEES, DI 24.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
38662 1 ENTRER, TENTER, RETIRER, SIENNE 27.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
48113 1 ELLA, ATE, ALTA, LEALL 23.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
3487 1 NAHT, HE, NAH, NENNTE, TANTE, NANNT 24.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
20296 1 DUDE, UDS, MESES, MUERE, SERES, UU 25.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
3462 1 LACH, ILLA, ALL, ICH, AH, AHA 20.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
3350 1 SUN, SET, TEN, ROSE, RUNNER, USE 36.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
3346 1 WELL, EYE, WE, OWE, WOW 17.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
48255 1 NARRA, ERA, GREGA, CARGA 28.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
3339 1 DOWN, OWN, NOD, ON, DO, WOOD 21.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
667 1 NO, CAT, COTTON, NOON, COAT, TOO 26.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
3326 1 NOW, NOON, WEED, NONE, ONE, ODD 24.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
160 1 RAT, PEER, RATE, TEAR, TREAT, TAP 34.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
20953 1 LUCES, ISLA, CALLES, ESCUELAS, ISLAS, USAS 45.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
21000 1 IRE, SEIS, NENE, PIE, NI, EI 33.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
48280 1 NEM, TENDE, ONDE, DONDE 26.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
21164 1 ORO, TORO, IR, TITO, TIRO, TI 17.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
3322 1 SENSE, TWIN, TWIST, SITE, SIN, SET 30.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
21345 1 AI, TRATA, TI, TARTA, TIRA, IA 24.5 Puzzle Leaderboard