List of Puzzle Leaderboards

by Attempt Counts

Daily Leaders

Weekly Leaders

Monthly Leaders

All Time Points Leaderboard

Puzzle ID

with link to play the puzzle

Number of
Successful Attempts
Chosen Subwords Puzzle Complexity Link to Leaderboard
14954 1 ÜBT, STIRN, TÜR, BIS, IRRST, INS 35.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
161 1 AGE, PALE, GO, LOOP, LIP, IE 36.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
15113 1 MUSST, SUCHT, SUMMT, CURSUM, STURM, WÄCHST 43.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
7242 1 NUG, UNFUG, EFEU, UN, NEUEN, ENG 24.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
15228 1 AUF, UNA, AU, NULL, FAUL, FAUN 20.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
7207 1 SOOFT, SOFF, TOST, FROR, TROST, OFT 23.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
7200 1 FROR, HOHE, OHO, HEER, ROHR, HOFF 23.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
15478 1 NA, KANN 15.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
7107 1 NU, RAR, NUR, RAFF, AN, NARRN 24.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
47613 1 AOS, CASO, CASA, OSSOS 20.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
827 1 OR, CART, AM, ADD, DATE, TERROR 36.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
38482 1 AUTRE, ERRER, ART, QUART 22.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
47614 1 COSTAS, LEALL, TECTOS, ALTOS 31.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
15750 1 ERRAT, PRATER, KETTE, PAART, RAR, AAR 35.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
15851 1 MEHRT, MEERS, MEER, MEHRERE, STEHT, MESSE 31.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
15930 1 TEURE, HEERES, SCHUTT, TU, SEHR, ERST 41.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
15934 1 RECHNEN, RIND, HEINRICH, IHM, DENN, DEINE 49.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
16070 1 INNERN, TRITTEN, IN, TRETEN, VEREINT, LITT 37.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
769 1 STRICT, TOO, OCCUR, TOUR, CRY, CRITIC 38.0 Puzzle Leaderboard