List of Puzzle Leaderboards

by Attempt Counts

Daily Leaders

Weekly Leaders

Monthly Leaders

All Time Points Leaderboard

Puzzle ID

with link to play the puzzle

Number of
Successful Attempts
Chosen Subwords Puzzle Complexity Link to Leaderboard
16223 1 EINEN, EINN, INNEN, EI, VON, LILIE 25.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
16238 1 VON, KOLOSSEN, WEGS, KOLLEGE, KOLLEGEN, GEWOGES 42.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
54166 1 EER, TAAI, TRACTAAT, TER 28.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
767 1 CART, CAT, CAR, RURAL, CUT, ACT 28.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
7090 1 AAR, KANN, RAFF, NA, RAR, NARR 23.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
6719 1 LEHR, EHR, FELL, EHRE, HELLE, HELLER 20.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
6614 1 EWGE, EINEN, NEIGEN, NENN, EWGEN, EIGNE 21.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
16608 1 REHE, HER, ERNENNEN, HEHR, NENNEN, WEN 20.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
6425 1 EHE, FERSE, HEERES, ES, AAR, ERHASCHE 34.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
16759 1 RETTER, WETTE, WETTET, RED, WERTER, EW 21.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
16893 1 DEINEN, DEINE, EINEN, INNEN, DEIN, NENNEN 17.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
17045 1 WELLE, WETTET, WETTE, WOLLE, TOT, TOLL 23.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
54327 1 ETC, RECHT, HECHT, EERE 25.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
47852 1 PARECE, RECADAR, CAP, CADA 29.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
47924 1 SERIAS, IRA, SERVIR, VARIAS 22.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
17138 1 WELLE, WELL, EW, ZELLE, WÄLLE 18.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
17209 1 ERZ, HAARE, EHRE, HEERE, LEER, ZELLE 31.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
6410 1 GER, ERREGT, ERSTER, GERETTET, ESSE, REGT 26.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
38585 1 SORT, RUSES, RUSE, SOEURS 31.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
5855 1 GING, EINN, ENG, ENGEN, INN, INNIG 17.5 Puzzle Leaderboard