List of Puzzle Leaderboards

by Attempt Counts

Daily Leaders

Weekly Leaders

Monthly Leaders

All Time Points Leaderboard

Puzzle ID

with link to play the puzzle

Number of
Successful Attempts
Chosen Subwords Puzzle Complexity Link to Leaderboard
28122 1 DI, DIRVI, VEDERE, DIEDE 23.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
8272 1 BEGINNEN, BIENEN, GELBEN, BEIL, NIL, HELLEN 40.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
8400 1 ENG, NENN, DANN, ENDEN, AN, NENNEN 21.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
8625 1 NUN, GNUG, GUT, NUG, NU, TUNS 18.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
942 1 CORD, DOOR, ROOT, TOO, ROD, DOT 21.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
8764 1 EHRENMANN, MEHRERE, HOHLER, MEHRE, HORN, SEEN 45.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
38228 1 MES, SENS, TES, EST 18.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
8847 1 HER, REHE, ER, MEERE, MEMME, REH 17.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
28308 1 MIE, MEET, TI, METTE 21.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
2576 1 ONLINE, UNION, TONE, INTENTION, TOLL, UNTIL 40.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
9077 1 LEISTE, ECHTE, HEILE, LES, SIEHT, IRRTE 41.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
28934 1 CARRI, CARA, RICCA, CACCIA 24.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
9310 1 NEIGEN, EIN, HIE, EIGENEN, GING, NEIN 21.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
28946 1 OCCHI, COCCHIO, NON, OCCHIO 20.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
41565 1 MEA, MEAE, FAMAM, EAM 13.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
29280 1 RARA, GARA, AMAR, AMA 14.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
2591 1 COTTON, INTACT, TACTIC, NOTION, OCCASION, CAST 41.5 Puzzle Leaderboard
893 1 IN, MODE, SO, SOME, INDEED, SIDE 34.0 Puzzle Leaderboard
155 1 ARRAY, MOON, NORM, ARMY, ERA, NOON 31.0 Puzzle Leaderboard